Unfortunately, it's not that simple. You have to read the Bible, pray, and listen for His voice. This is the way you can find out God's will for your life.
You know I'm a big fan of Andy Andrews. His blog post this week really hit home. I'll link it at the bottom of this post.
In it, he gives the story of Si Frumkin, a Jewish World War II Nazi concentration camp survivor. Si makes the comment that the most harmful phrase in any language is "Someone should do something about it".
Why is that such a harmful phrase? Because it passes the buck to somebody else. It's easier to wait on anybody else instead of taking action.
At church, our Nominating Committee is in full swing trying to fill open positions with willing members. The operative word is "willing".
Has God been calling you to serve somewhere in church?
What excuses have you come up with to say "No"?
Do you feel you're not prepared?
Do you feel inadequate to do it?
Does it seem too overwhelming?
We begin a new series for the month of August. We'll be in the book of Jeremiah. Our lesson this Sunday at 9:50 a.m. introduces us to the prophet we'll study all month.
Our scripture passage for this week is Jeremiah 1:4-14,17-19.
Jeremiah didn't think he was equipped to do what God wanted him to do. He gave excuses just like you do. But God had big plans in store for Jeremiah. Just like He has big plans for you.
So pick up the phone; God's on the other end!
I didn't forget. Here's the blog post I was talking about: The Most Harmful Phrase in Any Language
Finish Friday strong. Enjoy Saturday with your family. See you Sunday!
Loyally yours,
Darren Bayne
“I go out to preach with two propositions in mind. First,
everyone ought to give his life to Christ. Second, whether or not anyone gives
Him his life, I will give Him mine.”
Jonathan Edwards
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