Monday, August 6, 2012

"Make No Excuses" recap -- August 6, 2012

Remember your challenge for this week:  Live your life with no excuses.

If God is calling you to serve somewhere in the church--no excuses--serve.

Work on your relationships--with your spouse, with your kids, with your family, with your friends.

Be the person with impeccable integrity a work.  Let the words that flow from your mouth be ones on encouragement to everyone.

We started our unit about Jeremiah this week.  We will look at his life and relationship with God through the month of August.

With the brouhaha about Chick-Fil-A this week, we began our lesson with the Chick-Fil-A song by Tim Hawkins...

And to show how "tolerant" some people are, we discussed this Adam Smith anti-Chick-Fil-A video.

The point of the lesson was to "Make No Excuses".  But making excuses is our usual default setting.  We watched "The March of the Unqualified"

to show the excuses, faults, and baggage of great Biblical characters.  Here's a powerful phrase from the video:  "God's army isn't perfect; it never has been.  It's the March of the Unqualified; get in line".

We discussed God touching Jeremiah's mouth to show him that it would be God's words flowing from his mouth.  To highlight the importance of words, we saw "The King's Speech trailer.

And to mirror the beginning of our lesson, we finished with The New Chick-Fil-A song by Tim Hawkins

Make it a great week!  No excuses.  I'll be praying for you.

Loyally yours,

Darren Bayne

“He who is convinced that from his birth there is only one task for him is delivered at once from the mistaken false starts which waste the efforts of other men.”  A.C. Welch

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