Friday, August 31, 2012

Introducing "The Gospel Project" -- August 31, 2012

Happy Labor Day Weekend one and all!

If you will be out of town this weekend, have a great time and be safe.

If you are in town, meet me at Sunday School at 9:50 Sunday morning.


We are starting a new curriculum.  It's called "The Gospel Project".  The focus is tying everything in both the Old and New Testaments back to the Gospel.

If you got a book last week, you'll find two devotions you can do.  The first is on page 8; the second on page 9.

The title of our lesson is "The God Who Speaks".  The topics and scripture passages are:

1.  The God who speaks has authority -- Genesis 1:1-3
2.  The God who speaks is merciful to reveal Himself to us --Exodus 3:2-6
3.  The God who speaks gives us tasks --Genesis 1:27-30

None of these verses will be new to you, but our take on them will be.

So join us at 9:50 a.m. Sunday morning.  You'll be glad you did.

Finish Friday strong.  Enjoy Saturday with your family.  See you Sunday!

Loyally yours,

Darren Bayne

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one.” -- Mark Twain

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