Monday, August 27, 2012

Go Show Jesus' Love -- August 27, 2012

This Saturday begins the college football season.

I am so looking forward to it.  I love getting into that zone where the only thing that matters is the ebb and flow of my Crimson Tide.

I’m passionate about my team.  So much so that when my wife and I were dating, each of my friends asked her not to make a final decision on me until she had watched me watch an Alabama football game.  They told her that if she could handle that, everything else was a piece of cake.

Why?  Because I’m that fan that will pace back and forth during a series, get on my hands and knees for a long field-goal kick, and argue with referee calls that go against BAMA.  When the girls were little, I sometimes scared them so much with my antics that they started crying.  I’m mellower now, but still passionate.

Watching a game is also an isometric exercise adventure.  What do I mean?  Well, an isometric exercise is when you contract your muscle and then let it relax.  Whether it’s offense, defense, or special teams, I am constantly tensing and relaxing.  It’s probably the most exercise I get all week.

You may be the same way.  Here’s the rub for all of us though.  We’ll show that passion on Saturday, then come in Sunday morning with the passion of a wet paper towel.

I’m not advocating showing up to the worship service with John 3:16 painted on your chest, but we need to have that same dedication on Sunday that we have on Saturday.  It might even look to others that we are enjoying ourselves during Big Church.

I’m not the guy to give a rah-rah speech like your favorite coach does.  But I will put my passion into presenting our lesson to you with as much energy as God gives me.  From there, it’s up to you.  My prayer every week is that you find some nugget of understanding that you can take with you through your week.

Jeremiah spent his forty years of ministry saying just one thing.  And no one listened.   

I can’t promise you that you will be successful every time you witness to someone.  The Holy Spirit will do the heavy lifting; you just have to present the gospel.

So here is your nugget for this week…

You want the entire New Testament summed up in four words?  Here it is:  “Go show Jesus’ love”.

“Go”     — Christianity is active.  It isn’t to be horded, but instead to be taken to others.
“Show” — Christians are called to model Christ’s actions.
“Jesus” — He was the perfect sacrifice for the world’s sins and was raised by God on the third day.
“Love”   — People want to be loved so much they’ll do anything for it.

If you truly want to accomplish something for Jesus, you have to be prepared.  That means studying scripture, praying for God’s guidance, fellowshipping with other believers, and participating in worship.  Look at every figure in the New Testament and they did those four things.  It’s the only way to train for the Christian life.

Walking out the doors of our classroom yesterday placed you in the mission field.  You will be tempted, sorely tempted, to water down the message that the only way to God is by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone.  Don’t give in to that temptation. 


Make it a great week!

Loyally yours,

Darren Bayne

“You have to find something that you love enough to be able to take risks, jump over the hurdles and break through the brick walls that are always going to be placed in front of you. If you don’t have that kind of feeling for what it is you’re doing, you’ll stop at the first giant hurdle.” —George Lucas

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