Tuesday, December 4, 2012

FAITH in Focus -- December 4, 2012

Our lesson this week was from Hebrews.  No one is exactly sure who wrote the book, but it is addressed to Jewish Christians who were being persecuted by both Jews and Romans.  The book explains how Christianity is the next step from Judaism.

Your homework this week is to read Hebrews 11.  I found 26 references to Old Testament stories in my first pass of reading it.  See if you can find more.

If you'd rather listen instead of read...

Our focus was on FAITH.  Verses 1 and 2 are a great definition of faith.

In our passage, we saw some great characters of the Old Testament.  We finished with the most important story of the New Testament.

As we approach Christmas, our minds are filled with images of Jesus as a tiny baby coming into the world.  That's a great image, but it isn't the one we should focus on.

That baby grew up.  And He changed the world.

We have the Bible to tell us about His time here on earth. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John gave us their views of what they saw.

But what if Twitter were around in A.D. 33?  Maybe the first four gospels would look more like this...

Follow Jesus--Twitter Style

I challenge you to share your faith with others this week.  Pray for opportunities to do it.  The Holy Spirit will guide you.  Take that step of faith.

Make it a great week.

Loyally yours,

Darren Bayne

"Days are expensive. When you spend a day you have one less day to spend. So make sure you spend each one wisely."  Jim Rohn

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