It got me thinking. What do want to leave behind after you're gone?
Because, unlike the ancient Egyptians, we don't bury our treasure with us when we're put in the ground. Is 'stuff' what you live for? The "Christian" answer is "No". But have you ever had a yard sale? You know, cleaning out the 'stuff' that's stored in the attic or garage.
We've had yard sales. Been excited to make some "good money" getting rid of things we don't need anymore. But if you want to make yourself sick, think about how much you paid for that 'stuff' and how much someone else paid for that same 'stuff' a few years later. Queasy yet?
So if 'stuff' isn't the answer, what is? Let's go a bit deeper.
Whose lives will you touch by your treading here on Earth? You might go with the easy answer and say, "My family and close friends", and you'd be 97.4% right.
But was it a positive or a negative impact? You see, every action we take while we're on this terrestrial ball affects the lives of others.
Do something for me. Think of someone in your life who was an inspiration to you. Someone who challenged you to do more than you thought you could ever do. Someone who believed in you when you had given up hope. Someone whose advice always got you back on track. Got them in mind? Makes you feel good even right now, doesn't it?
That's what I want you to be for someone else. How? Think again about the person who inspired you. Odds are pretty good that it was a mature Christian you thought of.
You see, if you live what the Bible says, you will have a positive impact on those around you. Though our scripture passage comes from the fifth book of the Bible, its lessons are just as applicable now as they were when Moses penned them.
Come this Sunday to hear how important "making your mark" is.
Finish Friday strong. Enjoy Saturday with your family. See you Sunday!
Loyally yours,
Darren Bayne
“Music has the capacity to touch the innermost reaches of
the soul and music gives flight to the imagination.” Plato
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