Friday, November 16, 2012

What Does the bible Mean When It Says... -- November 16, 2012

Great news everyone!

This week we are going to dive into Bible hermeneutics.  I know you are as thrilled as I am.  Can't wait!

What is "hermeneutics"?  Simple.  According to Merriam-Webster's dictionary, it's "the study of the methodological principles of biblical interpretation".

Say that four times fast.

Would you like the English translation of what you just read?

This week, we'll look at four different styles of writing in the Bible:  historical narrative, wisdom literature, prophecy, and letters.  Feel better now?

Normally, I send you a link of the scripture passages we'll cover.  Because it's a hodge-podge of verses this week, I'm not going to.

Instead, read pages 112-117 in your study guide.  It will give you a foundation for our discussion Sunday morning (9:50 a.m.).

Each style of writing asks us to understand it differently.  You'll understand Sunday.

By the way, don't forget: the guys need to meet at the church Saturday morning at 7:00 a.m. to cover the fellowship hall walls with paper for the Breakfast with Santa coming up in a few weeks.  Bring a ladder if you have one.

Finish Friday strong.  Enjoy Saturday with your family.  See you Sunday!

Loyally yours,

Darren Bayne

“Monotony is the awful reward of the careful." - A. G. Buckham

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