Friday, October 5, 2012

You Chose WHAT for Dinner? -- October 5th, 2012

When I got back to the hotel Thursday afternoon, I switched on the TV.  Playing on Showtime was a movie from 2004 called "Super Size Me".  It's a movie about a 33-year-old guy named Morgan Spurlock who conducts a non-scientific experiment on himself.

Morgan's plan is to eat three meals a day for 30 days at McDonald's.  If the person behind the counter asks if he wants his meal to be "Super Sized", he must agree.  Before starting, doctors weighed him and took blood samples to establish a baseline.

It follows Morgan for 30 days as he travels across the country interviewing people about the nation's growing epidemic of obesity.  Each week, he is weighed and more blood is drawn.  Over the 30 days, he gained 27 pounds and his bloodwork turned horrendous.

The movie ended and it was time for me to find something for dinner.  Here's the funny thing.  After watching Morgan eat fast food over and over, I really wasn't in the mood for any fast food from anyplace.  I had a late lunch, so I didn't want anything real heavy.

So what choice do you have when you are staying in a hotel?  It took me a while to make my decision.

Do you know what sounded good?  Fruit.  (My wife probably just spewed coffee all over her keyboard)

Fruit isn't something I've ever had as my dinner.  Ever.  But that's what sounded good. 

Fortunately, there was a Whole Foods store a few miles away.  They didn't have watermelon, but they did have cantaloupe and grapes.  So that and a bottle of water was my dinner.

Where am I going with this?  I had the choice between eating healthy or not-so-healthy.  This time, I chose healthy.

On Sunday morning (9:50 a.m., of course) we'll be looking at choices of another sort.  We'll look at Session 6 entitled "Numb to the Word".

The scripture passages we'll talk about are Ephesians 2:1-2, Romans 6:23, Isaiah 64:6, and Romans 3:10-12.

Finish Friday strong.  Enjoy Saturday with your family.  See you Sunday!

Loyally yours,

Darren Bayne

“We can’t afford to waste tears on might-have-beens. We need to turn the tears into sweat that can take us to what can be.” Denis Waitley

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