Monday, June 11, 2012

Casual Commitment recap -- June 11, 2012

We explored how God hates us having a casual commitment to Him in our lesson yesterday.  God chastised the priests for being casual toward their responsibility.  He then chastised the people for being casual in their commitments to their relationships and to their families.

Why was this important to Him?  It's important because, as believers, our actions (commitments) toward others are a reflection on God.  Always remember that the love we show (or don't show) to others is being noticed.

During the worship service, Lyn H. gave a moving story that happened during Vacation Bible School last week.  A lady who doesn't have a church home signed her two kids up for VBS.  She's going through a divorce.  She wanted her kids to be away from the drama, and she wanted some time to herself to handle things.  One day, she needed to pick the kids up early.  Each of the kids' teachers bragged on the children and what they had done through the week.

The lady called Lyn later telling her how much it meant to see love in action at our church.  Those VBS workers may not have thought they were doing anything special.  But they held up a light in one person's dark world.

During Sunday School, we started by looking at the commitment needed in 1519 for Cortez to take the treasure...

I mentioned one of my favorite 80's movies.  If you've got one hour, thirty-four minutes, and thirty-eight minutes to spare, here is "Some Kind of Wonderful"...

We finished with a challenge to all the men in the class in honor of Father's Day next week.  Will you be Courageous?

Make it a great week!

Loyally yours,

Darren Bayne

“Don’t be afraid to take a big step if one is indicated.  You can’t cross a chasm in two small steps.”  David Lloyd George

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