Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Jesus Died for Our Sins recap

Thank you for indulging my screenwriting, broadcasting, and acting on Sunday.  Look for opportunities to tell others the Easter story this week.  Invite them to come with you this Sunday.

Keep your heart open to ways you can be a blessing this week.  You have a wonderful story to tell about Jesus.

As we talked about Sunday, the disciples had lots of thoughts running through their minds on Saturday.  Jesus had been crucified and placed in the grave.  They hoped for His resurrection but weren't sure.  As a Christian, you know how the story ends.  Live your life to point others to Christ.

Remember It's Friday but Sunday's Coming.

Loyally yours,

Darren Bayne

"I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book." -- Groucho Marx

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